Building Great Websites

Helping non-technical people get online quickly and economically.

Perthshire Websites – Wind and Sun Powered

Useful things to know about doing business online. This is a fairly random collection of topics we’ve been asked about and one or two bits that we thought were interesting. All designed to ease your use of tech and improve your business and your experience online.

Google Ads

Understanding Google Ads

Sometimes the only way to get on the front page in a Google Search is to pay to be there. This is where Google Ads come in to play. They are very simple to set up and it’s easy to control your budget so they may be worth a look.

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Google Search Console

Understanding Google Search Console

If you subscribe to SEO support as part of your hosting package then you potentially have available to you a raft of data about your website. Learn how to read and interpret the information you will see in your in Google Search Console.

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Reviews with Perthshire Websites

Understanding The Fantastic Power of Reviews

The statistics on how much weight we all put on reviews are unsurprising. More than 80% of us say we are encouraged to engage with a business as a direct result of positive reviews and the same 80% of us are disinclined to engage in the face of poor reviews.

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Search Engine Optimisation

Understanding Your SEO Report

These simple SEO Reports provide a snap shot of your site’s performance. They generally look at the last 30 days of activity and compare this with the previous period. Expect to see ups and downs in these numbers depending upon everything from the time of year to the amount of marketing activity that you are doing.

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Search Engine Optimisation

Understanding Search Engine Optimisation

Let’s start with by thinking about what it is. SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to your website from search engines. It’s about unpaid traffic, so not visitors from Google Ads, and it may originate from different kinds of searches, including image search, video search, and the sort of Google searches that we all do most days.

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Perthshire Websites – helping you better understand some of the features available to you.

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